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English Study/English Words

Ostensible, Helm

This is the country now ostensibly helmed by young Kim Jong Un, just 29 by most accounts, the grandson of Kim Il Sung, the founder of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK) and the creator of its core ideology.      <Time magazine, February 27, 2012> 



verb: steergoverndirectpilot
noun: rudderwheelsteering wheelhelmet
  1. A tiller or wheel and any associated equipment for steering a ship or boat
    • she stayed at the helm, alert for tankers
  2. A position of leadership
    • they are family-run empires whose founders remain at the helm
  3. A helmsman



    adjective: seemingapparentsham
    1. Stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so
      • the delay may have a deeper cause than the ostensible reason  

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